Anime NYC 2022
Spy×Family Panel w/ George Wada
by MrAJCosplay,
ANN's coverage of Anime NYC sponsored by Yen Press!
Hosted by Lauren Moore, the Spy×Family panel was incredibly straightforward. It started by showing the trailer for part two of the anime that is still airing at the time of this writing, and we were given a treat in the form of a special showing of the first part of episode 21. This episode was finished at midnight last Wednesday, and we get to see it before it airs in Japan. I am not caught up to the anime, but Lauren assured us that nothing significant would be spoiled.
It seems like this episode marks the beginning of a new arc focusing on a new character named Nightfall. She is a spy who works at Twilight's organization and seems dissatisfied with how the operation is progressing. It turns out that she was away on an assignment when the operation started, and had she been available then, she would have probably played the role of Loid's wife. She says it's not too late to change that but is promptly shut down because it would look suspicious. Her icy demeanor causes people to think that she wants to outdo Twilight or sabotage him, but her intentions are clear when Anya reads her mind. Major props to Anya's voice actress Atsumi Tanezaki for the double take that Anya does, at first not even remotely believing what she heard because it's so different from how Nightfall comes across.
Afterward, George Wada, the chief executive producer for the Spy×Family anime and the president of Wit Studio, came on stage with his interpreter to answer some questions about the anime's production. Interestingly, Wit Studio was one of twenty other studios competing for the opportunity to adapt the SPY×FAMILY manga, and he was very grateful that his studio was selected. Lauren asked a couple of questions regarding Wit Studio's collaboration with CloverWorks to produce the show jointly. I was expecting a more technical answer, but the main reason for this collaboration was to ensure that the anime would be produced as fast and smoothly as possible. Wada said more than once that he really hopes fans appreciate all of the hard work that both studios are putting into the adaptation so that they can have more collaborations in the future.
When asked what parts of the anime Wit Studio specifically worked on, Wada quickly brought up episode five, where Loid is trying to rescue Anya from the castle. There's a pretty memorable action set piece in the episode of Loid running through obstacles, and Wada attributed those scenes to WIT, given their experience with action. Additionally, almost everything revolving around Anya could also be associated with Wit Studio due to just how much everybody loves her. According to Wada, Tanezaki, who is a partner of the studio in addition to voicing Anya, agrees that WIT is why Anya is so appealing. As for what specifically makes her so appealing, Wada had an interesting theory: it might have to do with the fact that she looks very similar to baby Yoda! (I wasn't expecting such a comparison, but now that it is made, I can't deny the similarities.)

Wada makes it very clear that he enjoyed his time in New York and was very happy to come across so many Anya cosplayers throughout the convention. We all took a group photo together while shouting “Waka Waka,” and the panel ended with Wada again expressing his hopes that we continue to enjoy the series.
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