The Attack on Titan After Party Exclusive Audio Dramas Were Some Serious Tearjerkers
by Richard Eisenbeis,The recently concluded "The Attack on Titan Worldwide After Party" allowed fans to navigate an online virtual world full of production art, clip compilations from the anime, and interviews with the staff and cast. However, the event's high point was the fully-voiced audio dramas that show some of the series' poignant (and less poignant) events that happened off-screen. And as they are no longer viewable as of the end of the party, let's run through each of them for anyone who couldn't see them firsthand.

Hange's Perspective
This occurs during the flashback portion of episode 68, where our heroes capture the crew of a Marleyan ship. This scene is a conversation with Hange and Levi, where they discuss all the weapons and technology present in the outside world. But while discussing ideas like submarines or airships, Hange is struck by a revelation—one that she wouldn't live to see proven true. What if there was a flying titan?

Nicolo's Cooking
Set sometime after the flashback in episode 68, this scene features Jean, Eren, and Armin talking about all the new kinds of food they've tried thanks to former Marleyan soldier Nicolo's cooking. It further shows how enamored they are with seafood specifically—something they'd never been able to taste before finally reaching the ocean. The scene concludes when the trio realizes that, being a natural-born glutton, Sasha is likely to sneak out and eat any and all leftovers as a midnight snack and head out to get their share.

Mikasa's Homeland
Set during the flashback in episode 69, when Mikasa is discovered to be a descendant of Hizuru's Shogun, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin all discuss what it means to have a homeland outside of the island. While Mikasa is adamant that her "home" is the house where she grew up with Eren, she does note that she'd like to travel to Hizuru with him. In the end, the conversation ends on a note that's more than a little bittersweet in hindsight, as the three promise to travel to Hizuru together someday.

Armin's Doubt
The fourth scene features Armin and Eren talking in front of Annie's crystal around the time of the flashback in episode 68. The pair discuss passing on their titan powers. Eren, for one, is adamant about never passing his on—at least, not to the ones currently wanting it. Meanwhile, Armin struggles with the responsibility of this choice, wondering if Titan powers should even be passed on at all.

Eren's Regret
At first, this scene appears to be taking place during episode 87, when Eren and friends are exploring Marley for the first time. In it, Mikasa asks if she should buy Eren a second ice cream to replace the one he dropped—however, he rejects her offer since he's tasted ice cream through his father's memories. It's then revealed that this is set during The Rumbling, and Eren is reliving this memory—the last time he and Mikasa were truly together and the last real conversation they ever had. He regrets being so meaninglessly stubborn—that he should have shared the experience with her.

Erwin's Dream
Set during episode 87, this scene follows Levi and Hange as they come upon Jean and the others passed out after their exciting day on the Marleyan mainland. The two end up talking about Erwin, thinking he'd have been just as excited as the younger group members with this new world—even going so far as to try and feed carrots to a car or buy a whole cart of ice cream.

Levi's Resolution
This scene occurs in episode 83, shortly after Hange stitches up Levi's wounds. In it, the two discuss their torture of Sannes back in the Royal Government arc—that Sannes said torture is something that happens in turns, so recent events might just count as their time in the torturer's chair. Hange then makes the prophetic statement that she knows that torture isn't the only thing taken in turns—sacrifice is as well. And sooner or later, it will be her turn as well.

Jean's Dilemma
Taking place after the tense meal with Reiner and the other Marleyans in episode 84, Hange, Armin, and Jean talk about the idea of teaming up with former enemies to kill a former friend. Hange makes the poignant point that their stance hasn't changed: be that the genocide of the people of the island or the rest of the world, genocide is wrong. Ultimately, they need to be able to change with the times so that the most important things—their core values—can stay the same.
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