The ANN Aftershow
Why Shigaraki Needs a Hug
by Lynzee Loveridge, Jacki Jing, & The Cartoon Cipher,

The fight between Shigaraki and ReDestro heats up, causing the League of Villains leader's own power to increase. The stronger ability also awakens the latent memories of his past, including what happened to his parents, grandparents, and older sister.
Also: Why you need to watch The Case Study of Vanitas, the best games from the PlayStation showcase, and Netflix is trying out a new anime release model.
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Meet the Hosts!
As executive editor of Anime News Network, Lynzee Loveridge has the unique position of knowing what's tracking with the critics and with viewers in the anime fandom. She not only writes her own reviews every season but also reads everything from ANN's editorial staff! Outside of work, she's just a magical girl living in a Junji Ito world.
Jacki Jing is ANN's lead video producer and resident punch 'em up fangirl. You can find her binge-watching the latest shonen battle royale series, kicking ass on Twitch, and hosting events from esports to voice actor interviews.
Cartoon Cipher (AJ) is a cosplayer and YouTube video producer where and the Cartoon Cipher team decode the music of your favorite anime and the English dub dialogue tracks that sometimes come with them. He'll serve as ANN's My Hero Academia expert for the podcast.
Watch the full video here:
Or listen to the audio only podcast version here:
00:00 Intros + New format thanks to reader format
02:00 The Case Study of Vanitas is a sexy steampunk romp through vampire town
12:30 What is the deal with Netflix's release schedule (plus some Evangelion chat and we mix up all the JoJos)
25:30 The hot titles from the PlayStation showcase
36:00 MHA chat
If you like the show, be sure to write us up a review over on iTunes!
Have questions for the ANN Aftershow hosts? Tweet 'em to @ANN_Lynzee! Or check out the community forums thread about the show, or send email questions to [email protected]!
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