The ANN Aftershow
The True History of the Eldians REVEALED!
by Lynzee Loveridge & James Beckett,

Eren reveals his true plan and we learn the real, tragic history of the Ymir, the Founding Titan! Also, time to check in on Tanjiro and his pals as we head to the finale of Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc.
Make sure to tune into the ANN Aftershow live on YouTube on Mondays at 6pm PT/9pm ET!
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Meet the Hosts!
As executive editor of Anime News Network, Lynzee Loveridge has the unique position of knowing what's tracking with the critics and with viewers in the anime fandom. She not only writes her own reviews every season but also reads everything from ANN's editorial staff! Outside of work, she's just a magical girl living in a Junji Ito world.
James Beckett is one of ANN's resident series reviewers and he's never shy to let the world know how he really feels. You can find his impressions of the latest shows in the Preview Guide and well as episode reviews for hit anime series.
Watch the full video here:
Or listen to or download the audio only podcast version here:
00:00 Intro/Last week's highlights
03:30 What's going on in the Coordinate
07:30 Eren convinces Ymir to abandon her eternity of slavery and we finally learn the truth
15:18 King Fritz is the absolute worst
17:00 The source of the Helos myth
20:00 Cannibalism sure is a reoccurring theme, eh?
23:00 Is Eren's end goal really complete annihilation?
30:10 A word from our sponsors
32:30 Ymir's art skills
40:00 Switching gears to Demon Slayer
If you like the show, be sure to write us up a review over on iTunes!
Have questions for the ANN Aftershow hosts? Tweet 'em to @ANN_Lynzee! Or check out the community forums thread about the show, or send email questions to [email protected]!